Section: New Software and Platforms


News and updates


Participants : Sébastien Campion, Hervé Jégou [correspondent] .

Peyote is a framework for Video and Image description, indexation and nearest neighbor search. It can be used as-is by a video-search or image-search front-end with the implemented descriptors and search modules. It can also be used via scripting for large-scale experimentation. Finally, it is modular and as such can be used for scientific experimentation on new descriptors or indexation methods. Peyote is used in the Aabot software and was used for the Mediaeval Placing task and the Trecvid Instance Search task.

Peyote is used by Lamark, a start-up that is currently being incubating at Inria Rennes.

Last APP deposit: IDDN.FR.001.420008.001.S.A.2012.000.21000 .


Participant : Hervé Jégou [correspondent] .

This software is jointly maintained by Matthijs Douze, from Inria Grenoble.

Yael [30] is a C/python/Matlab library providing implementations of computationally demanding functions. In particular, the library provides very optimized functions for k-means clustering and exact nearest neighbor search. It is maintained and continuously improved. This year, we have in particular added a few tutorials implementing two simple image search systems, see http://yael.gforge.inria.fr/tutorial/tuto_imgindexing.html .

The current release (v401) was registered at APP under no IDDN.FR.001.220014.002.S.P.2010.000.10000 on July 2014.